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How to Teach Dogs Important Basic Commands
How to Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs
There’s Much to be Thankful for When It Comes to Pets

How to Teach Dogs Important Basic Commands
When you bring a dog into your home, it’s a good idea to teach him some basic commands. It can help you both, especially in establishing some boundaries in as well as outside the home. It’s a great way to get in some bonding time, too.

Additionally, when your dog knows commands and is well-behaved, it can keep him safe. According to the article, “Tips on Training Your Dog,” at, for those dogs who may take off if a door is open, “it’s imperative that he comes back when called. Keeping your dog away from a speeding car or an aggressive animal could save his life.”

Good mannered dogs also help when you encounter neighbors so that your dog doesn’t jump on or scare anyone.

Start with the proper collar and leash as well as training treats. Training sessions should be brief, say a short word and your dog’s name with each command, train three to five times a day for basic commands, and praise a lot, the article said.

There are many dog commands including “watch me,” “sit,” “down,” “stay,” “heel,” “wait,” and “come,” among others, according to the article, “15 Essential Commands to teach Your Dog” at

Before you begin to teach your dog some of the commands, consider the following information, according to the Inside Dogs World article:

• Always be patient with your dog.
• Don’t push your dog too hard.
• Avoid distractions by finding a quiet place.
• Don’t punish your dog.
• “Practice at home or garden first before exercising commands publicly,” the Inside Dogs World article said.
• Make it fun.
• Be involved and engaging.

Ensure you are soft but firm and the leader of the pack. Before you know it, your dog will know his basic commands and you’ll both be better for it.

How to Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs
Along with teaching basic commands, one of the most important things you can do for your dog is to socialize her.

According to the article, “The Loving Action Every Dog Needs but Too Few Receive” by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker at, “Veterinarians, animal shelter staffs and an ever-growing number of pet parents are learning the far-reaching consequences of unsocialized puppies who mature into unbalanced adult dogs.”

Ideally, socializing should begin at puppyhood, but sometimes there are adult dogs who have not been socialized, which can lead to issues. But there are things you can do to help.

Article tips include:

• Obedience classes are an opportunity for your dog to be around others. “Make sure classes are not fear-based dominance training, which will exacerbate anxiety,” the article said.
• Arrange a play date with a friend’s compatible dog.
• If your dog is right for agility, get him involved. If not, try flying disc, dock jumping, dock diving, and more.
• Daily walks for fresh air are a great way to get out and socialize.

There can be a variety of reasons for dogs who have behavior problems, from not being properly socialized to a genetic predisposition. While socialization techniques should be used throughout your dog’s life, there are some things that might not be right for your dog.

For instance dog parks may be great for some dogs, but not for others, according to the article, “Socializing the Adult Dog: Sorting Good Advice From Bad,” at “It may be overwhelming to meet numerous new dogs and strangers in an unfamiliar environment,” the article said.

Socialization done correctly helps your dog with other dogs and people. “Keep in mind it will take longer to socialize an adult dog than a puppy to this extent, so please be patient,” the Vetstreet article said.

There’s Much to be Thankful for When It Comes to Pets
Can you count the ways to be thankful for your pet? Start now because November is the month of giving thanks. You’re grateful all year long, but now you can shout it from the rooftops. Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit or whatever pet makes you thankful, this is the time to show your thanks.

Most everyone has their own reasons for being thankful for their companion animals. “After all, your cat or dog is a member of your family and deserves to be appreciated for all the love and companionship he offers you,” according to the article, “Reasons to Be Thankful for Pets,” at

Pets are:

• The best cuddle partners
• Always happy to see you
• Great for your own health
• All about the fun
• Funny and make you laugh
• In tune with you and know how to comfort you when you’re down

The list can go on. Our pets bring us so much joy that sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin to list all the reasons. According to the article, “10 Reasons To Be Grateful For Pets This Thanksgiving” at, our pets provide a unique love and a variety of ways that enrich us, including:

• They keep us present.
• They are wonderful company.
• Our pets give us a purpose, especially when we adopt.
• “Pets allow us to learn as we go, to fail, and to be imperfect – and they love us anyway,” the Adopt-A-Pet article said. “We are indebted to animals for accepting us just as we are.”
• They keep us active by way of walks and play time.

Our pets do so much for us, so it’s important to thank them for bringing so much joy every day and letting us know how truly lucky we are.

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