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The Heat is on: What to Do If You See a Pet in a Hot Car
Be Careful When Walking Your Dog During the Hot Summer Months
Ensure Your Pets Are Safe Around the Pool

The Heat is on: What to Do If You See a Pet in a Hot Car
When temperatures rise, pets left in hot cars is a constant issue. It’s important to know what to do if you witness an incident.

Oftentimes, a person will leave their pet in a car believing they’ll be gone for minutes. That can turn into much longer putting the pet in grave danger.

There are days that don’t seem very hot, but the inside of a car heats up fast and becomes a literal deathtrap for pets and humans, too!

According to the article, “Pets in Vehicles,” at American Veterinary Medical Association (,“The temperature inside your vehicle can rise almost 20º F in just 10 minutes. In 20 minutes, it can rise almost 30º F…and the longer you wait, the higher it goes. At 60 minutes, the temperature in your vehicle can be more than 40 degrees higher than the outside temperature. Even on a 70-degree day, that’s 110 degrees inside your vehicle!”

If you see a pet left in a hot car, here are things to do, according to the article, “What to do if you see a pet in a parked car,” at (HSUS):

• Write down the vehicle’s make, model and license plate.
• If you’re near a business, ask the manager to help find the owner. “Many people are unaware of the danger of leaving pets in hot cars and will quickly return to their vehicle once they are alerted to the situation,” the article said.
• If you can’t find the owner, call the non-emergency number for your local police or animal control.

“In several states good Samaritans can legally remove animals from cars under certain circumstances, so be sure to know the laws in your area and follow any steps required,” the HSUS article said.

Click this link to find out about the laws in your state.

Be Careful When Walking Your Dog During the Hot Summer Months
Some of the best times are had during the summer. When it gets very hot, it’s important to be careful. That also goes for your dog, especially when you take him for a walk.

Asphalt and pavement can become so hot during the summer making it dangerous to walk your dog. However, there are things you can do to ensure your dog can get out on a walk and avoid heat-related issues.

Make sure your dog doesn’t get overheated. Know the symptoms, “which include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse,” according to the article, “Hot Weather Safety Tips” at “Symptoms can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees.”

Be aware of the time of day when walking your dog. “When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt,” the article said. You dog’s body can heat up very fast while his paw pads can burn.

Certain dogs are more susceptible to the heat, according to the article, “7 Summer Dog Walking Tips You Should Keep in Mind” at They include older dogs, dogs with short snouts, and dogs who may have an illness.

The petMD article offers the following tips:

• Walk your dog before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m., avoiding peak hours.
• Find that shady part of the street.
• Always bring water for you and your dog.
• Be careful of hot pavement: The sidewalk is better than the street, but grass is even better.
• Don’t go too fast.
• Enjoy a time-out in a shady spot.

When you’re ready to get moving again, get on home, get some water, and enjoy a movie and the A/C with your best friend.

Ensure Your Pets Are Safe Around the Pool
The heat’s on and that often means everyone into the pool! If you have a dog (or cat), it’s important that they are safe around the pool to prevent accidents.

It’s a myth that all dogs know how to swim, and you won’t know until your dog is introduced to the water. Find a quiet spot and teach her the basics, according to the article, “Dogs and Water Safety” at Here’s some tips:

• Work with your dog in a quiet, shallow spot.
• Keep your dog on a leash while she learns.
• Be in the water with your dog.
• Don’t force your dog to go in.
• When your dog paddles using her front legs, lift the hind legs, showing her how to float, the WebMD article said.

Ensure there is a fence around your pool, keep a sturdy cover over the pool when it’s not in use, teach your dog how to get in and out of the pool, and ensure the temperature isn’t too cold before getting in with your dog.

Other important safety measures for your pet include a life jacket that’s just for your dog, according to the article, “Create a Safe Swimming Pool for Your Pup” at

Whether your pool is salt water or chlorine, be sure your dog does not ingest too much water, which can be done by continually retrieving a ball. According to the Vetstreet article, chlorine can cause water intoxication in your dog while saltwater pools can bring about hypernatremia, which is salt intoxication.

“Rinsing off after a dip in either type of pool is recommended, but you probably don’t need to give your dog a full bath with shampoo every time he finishes swimming,” the Vetstreet article said.

Keep your pet safe around the pool, and you’ll both have fun.

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