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Spring Means Allergy Season; How To Help Your Pets
Spring Is a Great Way to Bring On the Outdoor Fun with Your Dog
Do You Own Your Pet or Does Your Pet Own You?

Spring Means Allergy Season; How To Help Your Pets
As spring approaches so does allergy season. It’s not just for people; our pets can be affected, too. It’s no fun for our furry family members. So, what can we do to help them?

Although our pets can have allergies throughout the year, springtime seems to be worse with “outdoor triggers,” according to the article, “Can Dogs Have Spring Allergies?” at Those can include “weeds, trees, and grass pollens.”

For dogs, evidence of allergies is in itchy skin as well as ear and skin infections, which are unpleasant. Dogs typically itch in their paws, face and ears. “Because allergic disease in dogs so commonly presents in the skin, veterinary dermatologists are sometimes tasked with addressing atopy,” the article said, which is an allergic skin reaction.

Before managing the allergies, your veterinarian has to confirm the diagnosis of atopy. Treatment can include allergy shots or medications.

The primary types of allergies are food allergies and environmental allergies. For dogs and cats, “allergies more often take the form of skin irritation or inflammation – a condition called allergic dermatitis,” according to the article, “If Your Dog is Itchy or Your Cat is Wheezy, You Need to Read This” at Healthy Pets.

These types of allergies can include excessive scratching and chewing at the site among other things to relieve the itchiness. Many dogs will also get itchy ear canals that become inflamed. “Signs your pet’s ears are giving him problems include scratching at the ears, head shaking, and hair loss around the ears,” the article said. “If infection is present there will often be odor and a discharge from the ears.”

In order to ensure your pet doesn’t suffer from all the itchiness and being uncomfortable, it’s best to make an appointment with your vet to get started on treatment.

Spring Is a Great Way to Bring On the Outdoor Fun with Your Dog
Spring is in the air and what a great time to get outdoors with your dog for some fun activities. It’s not too cold and it’s not too hot. It’s usually just right.

Start with some fun activities right in your own backyard.

Just letting your dog out the back door is not enough though. Sure, he’s outside and enjoying the sun, but there has to be more, including some mental and physical stimulation. “Not only is playing outside fun, but it will likely lead to better behavior when inside the house,” according to the article, “5 Fun Activities to Do With Your Dog in the Backyard,” at

The article said there are many things to do, including:

• Play fetch. From the old-fashioned game to using automatic launchers, this game is always in style.
• Dog agility.
• Scent work, which uses your dog’s sense of smell to sniff out things.
• Water games using a sprinkler or even a bucket.
• Hide and seek.

Leave your own backyard and get more inventive with your dog, too. According to the article, “Reinventing Playtime: 20 Fun Activities to Do With Your Dog,” at, there are lots of new experiences you can give your dog. “Varying the activity helps keep pets mentally and physically satiated and easier to settle at home,” the article said.

The Vetstreet article suggests:

• Play dates. If you have a very social dog who likes other dogs, head for the dog park.
• Get out on the town and head over to places such as dog-friendly stores and outdoor dining spots.
• Exercise. If your dog loves to run, get out and either walk or run (talk to your vet first).

Fun comes in many forms, and when you’re with your furry best friend, you’ll take fun to the next level.

Do You Own Your Pet or Does Your Pet Own You?
People often joke about their pet and who’s the boss and who calls all the shots. How do you determine if you own your pet or the other way around?

According to the article, “7 Signs Your Dog Owns You,” at, “Your dog owns you. You might be laughing now, but think about it — you’ve surrendered the best seat on the sofa to him, you plan your entire weekend around his trips to the dog park, and you take him to the groomer more often than you get your own hair cut.”

You may have an Instagram account for your cat, a Facebook page devoted to your bunny, or you may have an entire website just for your dog. So, who’s in charge here?

The Vetstreet article talks about all the ways dogs rule:

• Your pretty pooch has a better wardrobe than you.
• Forget the remote, as your dog has the rights to what to watch on TV.
• Your pet takes your side of the bed.
• You pet has more toys than your children do!

There are many households where the resident pet is in charge. Sometimes, that is telling in just a simple bark. “…I realize there’s no way to get around a bark unless you give them what they want,” according to the article, “10 Ways Your Pet Owns You… And You’re Totally Okay With It” at Elite Daily.

You may even give your pet leftovers from your own dinner. And who gets up at 3 a.m. unless it’s for their pet who has to go outside to go potty? If you suspect your pet doesn’t feel well, it’s off to the vet.

Some people may not agree with having a pet that owns them, but every situation and person and pet is different.

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The Importance of Keeping Your Pet’s Teeth Clean
Possible Dangers of Rawhide Treats and What You Need to Know
How to Choose a Good, Nutritious Food for Your Dog

The Importance of Keeping Your Pet’s Teeth Clean
Always remember to brush your teeth. It’s something we’ve all heard since childhood. But what about your pets? Did you know that it’s also just as important for your dog and cat to have good dental hygiene?

Just as with humans, if you don’t take care of your pet’s teeth, it can cause other health problems. “Your pet’s teeth and gums should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian to check for early signs of a problem and to keep your pet’s mouth healthy,” according to the article, “Pet dental care” at the American Veterinary Medical Association (

The most common dental condition among dogs and cats is periodontal disease, most often seen by the time your pet is 3. Prevention, of course, is the best medicine. If not, the disease will get worse with age, which can cause more serious health problems. These include issues with kidneys, liver, and heart muscle.

According to the article, “Dental Cleaning for Dogs and Cats,” at, “A professional veterinary dental cleaning is the only way to remove tartar from the teeth and under the gum tissue to protect your pet’s health.” And, while there is no cure for periodontal disease, keeping up with cleanings and brushing your pet’s teeth can help.

A dental cleaning is done under anesthesia and can include:

• Removal of visible plaque and tartar from teeth and under the gum
• Assessing dental disease
• Removing or repairing infected or fractured teeth

Have your pet’s teeth checked during regular vet visits. Also, see your vet when your pet has bad breath, is pawing at the mouth, or has difficulty chewing.

Remember, February is National Pet Dental Health Month, so make the call for your pet’s dental and overall health.

Possible Dangers of Rawhide Treats and What You Need to Know
It’s always a great idea to do research when it comes to the food and treats you give to your dog. The more you know about ingredients and where things come from, the better for you both.

If you provide rawhide treats, first find out what it is and whether it’s actually safe.

Rawhide treats are made from the inner layers of horses or cows. According to the article, “Rawhide: Good or Bad for Your Dog?” at Fetch by WebMD, “During manufacturing, the hides are cleaned and cut or ground. Then they’re pressed into chewable dog treats of different shapes and sizes.” Then flavorings such as beef or chicken are added for more appeal.

Dogs have a natural instinct to chew, so many people provide rawhide. However, the article said there are risks:

• May contain small amounts of toxic chemicals
• Possible digestive issues; rawhide is not digestible
• Can cause choking or blockage with serious situations leading to surgery or even death

According to the article, “The Dangers of Rawhide Chews,” at Petful, rawhide treats can also cause infection, and food poisoning for people and pets. “That chewy treat your dog chows down on has been soaked in chemical preservatives, ash-lye, chemical puffers, bleach and then colors and flavors,” the article said.

To reduce incidents, the Petful article offers safety advice:

• Always wash your hands after handling rawhide.
• Use the correct size chew for your dog.
• Supervise your dog when he’s chewing rawhide.
• When the chew is small and can be swallowed, remove it and discard.

For alternatives to rawhide, the Petful article suggests things such as:

• Vegetables, including carrots and green beans
• Nylabones
• Chew toys
• Dental chews

Whatever you decide, before giving your dog rawhide, do your own research.

How to Choose a Good, Nutritious Food for Your Dog
There are so many dog food choices. You want to ensure your dog gets the best nutrition for good health, but which food is best for your dog?

Cost may be a factor. But remember that you usually get what you pay for, so there is a way to strike a balance.

Check ingredients so you know what’s in the dog food. According to the article, “How to Choose the Best Dog Food,” at, “Keep in mind that ingredients are listed by weight. Ingredients that contain large amounts of moisture (such as beef, poultry, chicken, or fish) are likely to be at the top of the list because of the moisture content. Ingredients further down the list may offer even more key nutrients such as protein but may weigh less because the water has already been removed for a dry pet food.”

Other ingredients can include grains and gluten. Grains are a source of carbohydrates. “Dogs can easily metabolize these carbohydrates and use them as an energy source,” the PetMD article said. There are people who avoid grains due to allergies. Others try to avoid gluten. However, allergies to gluten are not very common in dogs.

According to the article, “Whole Dog Journal’s Approved Dry Dog Food List,” at Whole Dog Journal, ingredients to avoid in dry dog food includes:

• Meat by-products
• “Generic” fat source
• Artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors
• Sweeteners

While not all nutritional experts have the same ideas on dog food, they know that a good, balanced diet means good health for dogs.

“The healthiest dog foods contain high-quality proteins and whole, unprocessed grains and vegetables,” according to the Whole Dog Journal article. Buy food with high-quality proteins and stay away from ingredients with “vague wording” or anything that reads “poultry meal” or “meat meal.”

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How to Feed a Starving Dog Or Cat
What to Do with The New Pet You Adopted Over the Holidays
The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet

How to Feed a Starving Dog Or Cat
Many people in the animal rescue world come upon dogs and cats who were rescued from truly bad conditions leaving the animals emaciated and starving. These people often know or learn about how to bring a dog or cat back to health and that includes not providing too much food.

According to the article, “Feeding the Starving Dog,” at, “When dogs that have essentially been starved suddenly have free access to large amounts of food, they can become very sick and even die.”

First try to get to a veterinarian so that the animal can be assessed and prescribed a feeding plan, the article said. If that’s not immediately possible, take the following into consideration if you are entrusted with a starving dog or cat.

It’s easy to want to overfeed the animal because he is starving, but don’t do it. “If an emaciated and starved dog is suddenly overfed serious consequences, such as refeeding syndrome, await,” according to the article, “Caring for an Emaciated Dog,” at “This is because a sudden load of carbohydrates in a large meal can create serious shifts in potassium and phosphorus concentrations in all body cells.”

The signs of refeeding syndrome include:

• Muscle weakness
• Muscle cramps
• Seizures
• Red blood cell rupture
• Heart muscle damage and rhythm irregularities
• Respiratory failure

Serve the dog small meals every six hours (four times a day) and the food “should have adequate mineral composition, especially phosphorous, potassium and magnesium,” the “Caring for an Emaciated Dog” article said. “By feeding a highly digestible, meat-based ‘Puppy’ or ‘Growth’ food, along with certain supplements, recovery and weight gain should be evident in a short period of time–that is, as long as the dog has a normal appetite.”

What to Do with The New Pet You Adopted Over the Holidays
After adopting and bringing home a new pet for the holidays, what do you do? First ensure that your pet has everything needed to fit in with your family.

“The key to adding a new pet to your life the right way, is by being prepared—not just on the day you bring your new animal home, but for every day after,” according to the article, “What to Consider Before Getting a Pet for the Holidays (or Ever)” at “A pet is truly the gift that keeps on giving.”

During the holidays, family members are either home from school or take time off. This makes it the perfect time to buy all the things your new pet needs while also spending time together.

According to the article, “10 Tips to Prepare for Adopting a Dog,” at, the following things can help you prepare for your new dog (and it can go for cats, too!):

• Buy everything needed, including collar, leash, food, bowls, bed, gate, treats, toys and grooming supplies.
• Make your home safe. Keep dangerous items out of reach or hide them. Decide who will walk, train and feed your pet.
• Designate a safe, private place.
• Give your pet the tour of the home to show him where everything is, including either the litter box or the yard.
• Introduce the family to your new pet. “The Animal Rescue League of Boston recommends bringing family members and other dogs outside one at a time to meet the new canine,” the Hillspet article said.
• Slowly switch your pet’s food.
• Start any training.
• Make sure you set up an appointment with your veterinarian for a checkup right away.

When you prepare your home and your family for the new pet, it will be an easier transition for everyone.

The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet
There are many things to do for your pet to keep her healthy. It begins with veterinary checkups, healthy food, exercise, and lots of bonding and playtime, too. There are also important vaccinations that keep your dog protected against various diseases that can cause extreme harm to your pet and even death.

According to the article, “Vaccinations” at American Veterinary Medication Association (AVMA), “Vaccinations protect your pet from highly contagious and deadly diseases and improve your pet’s overall quality of life.”

The AVMA article points to five reasons to vaccinate your pet:

1. They prevent various pet illnesses.
2. For preventable diseases, vaccinations help avoid expensive treatments.
3. Not only do vaccinations prevent diseases that are passed among animals, they also prevent those they are passed from animals to humans.
4. Unvaccinated pets can be infected by diseases such as rabies and distemper that are often seen in wildlife.
5. There are many local or state ordinances that require some vaccinations, such as rabies.

Vaccinations help your pet from contracting contagious diseases when in a public place. “Many contagious diseases are airborne and your pet could easily be exposed through an open window,” according to the article, “Vaccinating Your Pet” at Unfortunately, your pet could get out the door and encounter a contagious animal. Additionally, your pet could be exposed at boarding facilities, dog parks or at the groomer.

It’s important to speak with your veterinarian before taking your pet to any place he could be exposed. “It is also important to keep in mind that vaccinations take a few days to a few weeks to become effective,” the American Humane article said.

So, speak to your veterinarian to ensure your pet is on track with vaccinations.