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The Benefits of Food Puzzles for Pets
Great Ways to Celebrate the Holidays with Your Pets
How to Keep Your Cat Safe from Holiday Decorations

The Benefits of Food Puzzles for Pets
Food puzzles can be great ways to help dogs and cats have something to do when it comes to eating along with other great benefits.

Domesticated dogs and cats are like their wild counterparts in that they have a “need to forage for their food,” according to the article, “Food Puzzles for Pets,” at Best Friends. “Just like people, non-human animals need to have tasks that involve both mental and physical engagement in order to feel fulfilled, confident and happy.”

Food puzzles or foraging toys are an easy way to provide your pet with a job that helps with their physical and mental health. “Food puzzles are also great for pets who wolf down their meals because the animal must eat more slowly and, therefore, can savor the food a bit more,” the article said.

According to the article:

• Because animals aren’t born with foraging skills, you can guide and teach them.
• All animals are different and learn at varying speeds.
• Food puzzles are different just like your pet. Find the one your pet likes best.

There are a variety of reasons to buy a food puzzle for your dog because “they provide a wealth of benefits for both you and your pup,” according to the article, “Choosing the Best Interactive Toys and Food Puzzles For Your Dog” at Preventive Vet.

Some benefits include:

• Certain types are great for teething puppies.
• Some puzzles are perfect for fast eaters. Slowing your dog down can help prevent GDVBloat.
• Great for picky eaters who have a desire to hunt for food.
• You get a break because your dog is occupied.

Toy puzzles are also great for humans. You will get a chance to help your dog learn the puzzle and watch him enjoy hunting and foraging for his food.

Great Ways to Celebrate the Holidays with Your Pets
December means it’s holiday season. Who doesn’t love the magic in the air, the twinkling of the holiday lights and beautiful decorations, and a great dog or cat sweater? Celebrating means family, and that means your pets, too.

There are so many great ways to celebrate with your pets to get everyone in the spirit.

According to the article, “Why Cats and Dogs Are Excited for Christmas,” at, our pets might just know it’s the holidays for the following reasons:

• Snow! Depending where you live or if you’re traveling to colder weather areas, certain dog breeds will love a chance to romp in the snow.
• Shipments of gifts mean boxes everywhere, making your cat very happy.
• The holidays mean more attention for your beloved pets.
• Gifts: Everyone loves them, even your pets.
• Family quality time, which makes the holiday extra special for pets.

There can be a lot of added stress during the holidays. “That’s why planning ahead with a few dog-friendly activities can be good for both you and your dog,” according to the article, “10 Ways To Celebrate Christmas With Your Fur Babies,” at

Check out some of these fun ideas for you and your pet:

• Take your dog along for a car ride to check out the beautiful holiday lights in the neighborhood.
• Bake pet-friendly holiday treats.
• Place a holiday-themed bow on your pet’s collar.
• Get the entire family together for a holiday photo shoot.

Always include your pet in the festivities. Remember to keep your pet away from electrical cords, foods that can be harmful, and too much noise. If your pet gets stressed, be sure your pet has a quiet place to take it easy and get away from the noise. Keep everyone happy and stress free during this time of year.

How to Keep Your Cat Safe from Holiday Decorations
Holiday time means decorations and lights. Many cats love to get into things, such as Christmas trees and tinsel. The last thing you want is for your cat to have an accident due to a safety hazard.

The most obvious potential hazard is the Christmas tree. Cats seems to love to get into them and sometimes like to mark them. According to the article, “How to Cat-Proof Your Christmas Tree (Or At Least Try To)” at Pet Central, “You can’t change your cat’s instincts, but you can put safety measures in place to ensure their love affair with the Fir by the fireplace doesn’t end in tragedy.”

Here are some tips suggested in the article:

• Anchor the tree so it can’t fall over.
• Avoid glass and anything sharp, such as certain ornaments.
• Cover electrical cords.
• If your tree needs water, cover the base.
• Keep tinsel and ribbon out of reach as they can cause issues if swallowed.

There are other great ways to pet-proof your home during the holidays. According to the article, “8 Holiday Pet-Proofing Tips” at, “You also need to assess and prioritize the risks your household presents, identify your pets’ risk-taking tendencies and work to strategically minimize the most dangerous risks to individual pets.”

The Vetstreet article offers some tips of do’s and don’ts:

• Elevate the holiday tree by placing it in a tall pot or high on a pedestal.
• Make decorations inaccessible.
• Stay away from dangerous items such as real mistletoe: It’s “reportedly toxic.”
• Use silver duct tape instead of ribbon.

The holidays can be just as fun if you keep away the dangerous and toxic items so that your cat is safe. There’s nothing worse than having an accident, especially during the holidays. You and your cat can then have a stress-free holiday season.

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How to Teach Dogs Important Basic Commands
How to Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs
There’s Much to be Thankful for When It Comes to Pets

How to Teach Dogs Important Basic Commands
When you bring a dog into your home, it’s a good idea to teach him some basic commands. It can help you both, especially in establishing some boundaries in as well as outside the home. It’s a great way to get in some bonding time, too.

Additionally, when your dog knows commands and is well-behaved, it can keep him safe. According to the article, “Tips on Training Your Dog,” at, for those dogs who may take off if a door is open, “it’s imperative that he comes back when called. Keeping your dog away from a speeding car or an aggressive animal could save his life.”

Good mannered dogs also help when you encounter neighbors so that your dog doesn’t jump on or scare anyone.

Start with the proper collar and leash as well as training treats. Training sessions should be brief, say a short word and your dog’s name with each command, train three to five times a day for basic commands, and praise a lot, the article said.

There are many dog commands including “watch me,” “sit,” “down,” “stay,” “heel,” “wait,” and “come,” among others, according to the article, “15 Essential Commands to teach Your Dog” at

Before you begin to teach your dog some of the commands, consider the following information, according to the Inside Dogs World article:

• Always be patient with your dog.
• Don’t push your dog too hard.
• Avoid distractions by finding a quiet place.
• Don’t punish your dog.
• “Practice at home or garden first before exercising commands publicly,” the Inside Dogs World article said.
• Make it fun.
• Be involved and engaging.

Ensure you are soft but firm and the leader of the pack. Before you know it, your dog will know his basic commands and you’ll both be better for it.

How to Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs
Along with teaching basic commands, one of the most important things you can do for your dog is to socialize her.

According to the article, “The Loving Action Every Dog Needs but Too Few Receive” by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker at, “Veterinarians, animal shelter staffs and an ever-growing number of pet parents are learning the far-reaching consequences of unsocialized puppies who mature into unbalanced adult dogs.”

Ideally, socializing should begin at puppyhood, but sometimes there are adult dogs who have not been socialized, which can lead to issues. But there are things you can do to help.

Article tips include:

• Obedience classes are an opportunity for your dog to be around others. “Make sure classes are not fear-based dominance training, which will exacerbate anxiety,” the article said.
• Arrange a play date with a friend’s compatible dog.
• If your dog is right for agility, get him involved. If not, try flying disc, dock jumping, dock diving, and more.
• Daily walks for fresh air are a great way to get out and socialize.

There can be a variety of reasons for dogs who have behavior problems, from not being properly socialized to a genetic predisposition. While socialization techniques should be used throughout your dog’s life, there are some things that might not be right for your dog.

For instance dog parks may be great for some dogs, but not for others, according to the article, “Socializing the Adult Dog: Sorting Good Advice From Bad,” at “It may be overwhelming to meet numerous new dogs and strangers in an unfamiliar environment,” the article said.

Socialization done correctly helps your dog with other dogs and people. “Keep in mind it will take longer to socialize an adult dog than a puppy to this extent, so please be patient,” the Vetstreet article said.

There’s Much to be Thankful for When It Comes to Pets
Can you count the ways to be thankful for your pet? Start now because November is the month of giving thanks. You’re grateful all year long, but now you can shout it from the rooftops. Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit or whatever pet makes you thankful, this is the time to show your thanks.

Most everyone has their own reasons for being thankful for their companion animals. “After all, your cat or dog is a member of your family and deserves to be appreciated for all the love and companionship he offers you,” according to the article, “Reasons to Be Thankful for Pets,” at

Pets are:

• The best cuddle partners
• Always happy to see you
• Great for your own health
• All about the fun
• Funny and make you laugh
• In tune with you and know how to comfort you when you’re down

The list can go on. Our pets bring us so much joy that sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin to list all the reasons. According to the article, “10 Reasons To Be Grateful For Pets This Thanksgiving” at, our pets provide a unique love and a variety of ways that enrich us, including:

• They keep us present.
• They are wonderful company.
• Our pets give us a purpose, especially when we adopt.
• “Pets allow us to learn as we go, to fail, and to be imperfect – and they love us anyway,” the Adopt-A-Pet article said. “We are indebted to animals for accepting us just as we are.”
• They keep us active by way of walks and play time.

Our pets do so much for us, so it’s important to thank them for bringing so much joy every day and letting us know how truly lucky we are.

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The Challenges of Moving with A Pet and How to Do It
Fostering Animals Is Good for the Animal and Human
Tips on Socializing Fearful Cats

The Challenges of Moving with A Pet and How to Do It
Moving is never easy and can be one of life’s top stressors. When you throw a pet into the mix, things can get a bit challenging. But pets are family, and that means they move with you.

“So first and foremost, make sure you are well prepared to move an animal or beloved pet prior to the actual move,” according to the article, “The Dos and Don’ts of Moving Animals” at In order to prepare, the article suggests “creating checklists, researching travel requirements, contacting your vet and looking into pet relocation services.”

The following are some tips from the article:

• Bring a copy of your pet’s health record.
• Consider your pet’s emotional needs and maintain consistency.
• If flying, check with the airline’s rules.
• Ensure crate or tote is ventilated.
• Avoid feeding solid food hours before you travel.
• Keep your necessities separate from your pet’s belongings.

If traveling with pets in a crate, get your pets used to the crate, according to the article, “Moving With Your Pet,” at Help acclimate your pet by carrying her in the crate in the house or riding in the car.

“It is a good idea to pet-proof your new home,” according to the ASPCA article. Pet-proofing includes keeping electrical cords out of the way, ensuring windows have secure screens, removing poisonous plants, “and confirm that no pest-control poison traps have been left anywhere in the house.”

Don’t let your pet roam the new home just yet. New spaces can be overwhelming. “Start by allowing them to adjust to one room—their ‘home base’—which should include their favorite toys, treats, water and food bowls and litter box for cats,” the ASPCA article said.

In the end, moving with pets just takes patience. Before you know it, your pet will fit right in.

Fostering Animals Is Good for the Animal and Human
With so many animals in shelters and rescues across the nation, there is a great need not only for adopters but for foster homes. There are so many reasons to foster an animal in need. It’s great for animals and can be an amazing experience for humans.

“When you foster, you agree to take a homeless dog into your home and give him or her love, care and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the dog is adopted,” according to the article, “Why Foster A Dog and What Does It Entail?” at

The article said there are many rescue groups and shelters needing foster homes for the following reasons:

• Some rescue groups have no physical space and rely on foster homes.
• Young puppies need care until they are old enough for forever homes.
• Injured or sick rescue dogs need a place to recuperate.
• A dog who is stressed at the shelter may need a calm, home environment.
• A shelter is running out of room.

There are many wonderful reasons to foster a dog or cat. According to the article, “8 Reasons Why You Should Foster Animals,” at, “Many shelters rely on foster homes to keep pets until they have room, and some rescue groups are run entirely through foster care.”

Here are some great reasons to foster, according to the PetSafe article:

• Fostering helps increase an animal’s chance of adoption.
• Fostering is temporary until a permanent home is found.
• It keeps animals out of shelters.
• You’re helping to save a life and you help socialize an animal to get him ready for adoption.

When you foster, everyone wins. You can feel good for helping out an animal, and that animal gets lots of love before he moves on to a permanent home.

Tips on Socializing Fearful Cats
Some cats are just plain shy, fearful or scared. If you recently brought a new cat into your home, and he shows signs of fear, there are things you can do to help your cat come through to the other side.

Cats can be fearful for different reasons. “Your shy cat may have been traumatized or she may never have had a chance to be properly socialized,” according to the article, “9 Tips for Socializing a Shy Cat” at

Other tips to help bring your fearful cat out of his shell include being patient and compassionate; keeping him safe in a small room along with his bed, food, water, litter box and toys; keeping the room quiet; talking to him in a soft voice; using food to entice; and letting the cat approach you when he’s ready.

According to the article, “No More Scaredy Cat – 10 Ways to Make Friends with Your Scared, Shy Cat” at, there are other tips to help socialize your very shy cat. “Feed and interact with your cat on a consistent schedule, and scoop his litterbox at least once daily,” the article said.

Additionally, keep loud noises at bay as they will scare your cat. Always be calm and gentle when you approach and interact with your shy cat. Make sure not to force your cat. “Don’t pull him from his hiding spot or hold him against his will (unless there’s an emergency of some kind and you need to move him),” the article said. Also, try to schedule play time with your cat.

The above tips can help bring your cat out of his shell. All cats are different and progress at different stages. Be patient and you’re bound to see improvement day by day.